There’s a new Halloween movie out this year and the trailer looks awesome! Not only that, the geek world has exploded with Marvel, DC, TV and everything else in-between news! Listen as Chris and Casey rant their weekly rants on this brand new episode!
- Bloodshot details
- Valiant Beyond
- Woody Harrelson rumored as Carnage
- Silver and Black removed from SONY schedule
- Iron Fist moves to Dec
- Cloak and dagger premiere
- The Return of Wolverine is on September. New powers, claws can heat up…
- Birds of Prey to probably feature Black Canary & Huntress. Penguin as possible villain.
- Leto Joker film
- Wally leaving after premiere of Legends and not going to Flash
- Locke & Key Netflix
- She-Ra Netflix aug 1
- Venture Bros back this summer
- New Flintstones and scooby doo announced
- GOT prequel to be set “1000’s of years before…Golden age of heroes…true origin of the white walkers
- Stranger things prequel book
- James McAvoy and Clarke Peters join His Dark Materials for BBC directed by Tom Hooper
- The Crow fails again
- Val Kilmer to return to Top Gun, Kenny Loggins to write new Danger Zone
- Addams family animated film coming next year
- Lego movie 2, HTTYD 3, bumblebee, Wreck it Ralph 2, spider-verse, predator, & halloween trailers
- Incredibles 2 reviews
- Matthew Vaughn to reboot KickAss? Expand Kingsman world
Video games
- Bethesda teases Fallout 76. Online Survival RPG?
- DMC5? Capcom registers domain name
- RDR2 craziness
- Solo 2nd weekend sales. To lose 50 mil?
- Kelly Marie Tran bullying
- Score Last Shot?
Music Break
- Dr Aphra SDCC
- NECA SDCC Presale
- MEGO returns! 8” figures and more. Reveal on 6/16
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You can also check out our other great podcasts: Gourmet Scum Radio, and the Pursuit of Plastic. If you wanna interact with us you can follow @dfatowel on Twitter and Instagram.Thanks for listening and Don’t Forget a Towel!