One of the first review items we ever got for DFAT was a Jaws book from Titan Books. You can check out the review here. The gentleman, who to this day we still work with, found my Jaws Blu-ray review online and offered us the opportunity. Now a couple of years later we are also working with companies like Diamond Select Toys, DC Collectibles, Glitchsoft and more! Just makes me think about how far we’ve come, and that reviewing Geekly products is something I’ve always wanted to do!
Along with writing these fun reviews, working with indie artists and companies has been another one of my favorite aspects of writing for DFAT. Artist Alley is something that I am both proud of and hopeful for, that it continues to grow as we enter Phase Three!
So if you have a dream to be a writer, or even want to do it during your spare time as a hobby, join us! Find out more, and contact us, through out About Us section! Join the Towelite nation!!
Happy Towel Day Towelites!!!