I can respect Mike Newell as a director. I like his Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I was more a fan of his take on the Prince of Persia: Sands of Time video game-to-movie adaptations. Yet, everything I see from his take of the Charles Dickens classic, ‘Great Expecatations‘ looks like a very-well acted, but more lame version of the 1998 Alfonso Cuarón adaptation of the same novel, starring Ethan Hawke and Gwyneth Paltrow. Cuarón made the story more modern, added a green tinge to everything, and shot it beautifully. Plus, the soundtrack I still listen to today. You’ll note that Cuarón ALSO directed a Harry Potter film, ‘The Prisoner of Azkaban.’ Which, in my opinion, is the best directed of the entire series. Maybe Newell is trying to make up with his shortcomings in the wizarding world, I’m not sure.
Regardless, you can judge for yourself. Below there is a trailer for the movie, as well as a clip that is an interaction between Pip (Jeremy Irvine) and escaped prisoner, Magwitch (Ralph Fiennes). Fiennes, who was ALSO in Harry Potter as Voldemort. I’m seeing a trend here…
Here’s a snyopsis in case you skipped this one in High School English.
Based on the Charles Dickens classic. Orphan Pip rises from humble beginnings thanks to a mysterious benefactor. Moving through London’s class-ridden world as a gentleman, Pip uses his new status to pursue Estella, a beautiful, heartless heiress he’s always loved. The shocking truth behind his fortune will have devastating consequences for everything he holds dear.
Great Expecations stars Jeremy Irvine, Ralph Fiennes, Helena Bonham Carter, Robby Coltrane, and just about any other British actor that starred in a Harry Potter movie.
Clip from Empire.