This week’s edition of Trailers Galore is going to be pretty massive Towelites. We’re going to see clips from dirty old men, what goes on inside the mind of Guilleromo Del Toro, little men fighting dragons, and more! Let’s get to it!
First up, is the newest from Jackie Chan. The film is CZ12, and looks to be a pretty badass little flick. It’s gotta be better than those babysitting spy movies. Check it out.
We haven’t seen much from the character of Jack Ryan in some time, but now Chris Pine is taking over the mantle and the first trailer looks pretty good. It’s sad that John Clancy has passed away and probably didn’t get to see the movie, but it’s good his legacy lives on. The film opens Christmas Day.
I wasn’t even going to fathom seeing the first Rio film when it came out, but I was working at a movie store at the time and was forced to watch it. I was surprised by what it looked like and the music was infectious. I’ll see the second one, looks to be pretty much on par with the first film. It opens April 11th, 2014.
I haven’t gotten over the schtick of what the Jackass people do, so I’m looking forward to Bad Grandpa. The fact that it’s all “real” makes it even more hilarious. I’ll be there October 25th when it opens.
As we get closer to Halloween, we get closer to seeing the Carrie remake. The film looks like it’s going to surprise a lot of fans of the original and Chloe Grace Moretz is really embracing the role. Here’s a clip of Carrie getting the Harry Potter treatment from her deranged mom played by Julianne Moore. The film comes out October 18th.
Below, is The Simpson’s Treehouse of Terror opening sequence directed by Guillermo Del Toro, it’s brilliantly creeptastic.
Another book that looks pretty great is the Wes Anderson Collection book. It encompasses all of his films and goes inside his filmmkaing process. Looks great!
I’ve been waiting to see Aaron Eckhart in I, Frankenstein for some time. I’ve been a fan of the Mary Shelley creation forever, so the film has some pretty big footsteps to fill. The movie trailer looks like it just may do that, the film gets released on January 24th, 2014.
Finally, we have a couple of tv spots from our favorite Dwarves and Hobbit in The Desolation of Smaug. This one looks like it’s really going to surpass the first film and I can’t wait for December 13th.
That’s it for this edition of Trailers Galore. Stay Tuned to DFAT for the next one!