It’s been a great few days for Movie Trailers and today we’re happy to share three of the best. All these movies come out in March and we couldn’t be happier. First up, we have the new trailer for Logan. Said to be the Swan Song for Hugh Jackman’s take as Wolverine; the newest trailer focuses on X-23 and her killer claws. Check it out below!

Logan will be released March 3rd.

Next up is a coming-of-age story the likes you’ve never seen; through the eyes of a cannibal! Raw is taking horror to a disgusting new level and I can’t wait to see it.

Raw will be eating you on March 10th.

Finally, the Power Rangers get their 2nd and hopefully final trailer. Playing a mix between Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles meets Chronicle meets VR Troopers; the final trailer is looking to nab some serious bank when it comes out in March. I will be honest, I don’t hate these trailers and I hope it dispels any hate that I have towards it.

The Power Rangers arrive on March 24th!