Not a big week for blu-ray releases, and the only anticipated highlight not having received the greatest reviews.

We have a some film called How to be Single with Leslie Mann and Rebel Wilson, and we also get The Finest Hours with Chris Pine; which doesn’t look all that impressive (though I am excited for him in the new Star Trek film… that second trailer really makes me more anticipating on that one.

Finest Hours

What did actually get pretty good reviews was Risen with Joseph Fiennes.  I haven’t even heard about this one, but now I’m interested.


Big one of the week as Zoolander No. 2, which I’m sure we all looked forward to (after how funny the original was), but alas… it did not do so well.  In all honesty, I didn’t even realize it had hit theaters and left already.

Zoolander 2

Anyway, that’s it for the week.
