Hello Towelites,
You guys ready for the super awesome crazy amazing releases of the week? No? Good… cause once again, there is not much to show.
Leading the way is Flight starring Denzel Washington and Don Cheadle. And yet another one I have not yet seen, I am a big fan of Denzel, so I’m excited to get to watch this finally.
Second in line is another release of Disney’s Peter Pan (the Diamond Addition). This addition, other being in Blu-ray, includes digital copies and a “story-book” app. Maybe nothing super extra to go buy anew, but this movie is a classic of classics, so if you don’t have it…
Aaaaaaand, that’s pretty much it. Some movie called Deadfall, starring Eric Bana and Olivia Wilde also comes out, but I have never even heard of that.
And if you’re into a comedy double feature, there is a double Jason Bateman release: The Switch and Extract. Extract was pretty good, directed by Mike Judge – though not even close to as good as Office Space (one of my top 5 comedies). The Switch, well, I’m not a fan of co-star Jennifer Aniston, so… I can’t really say much for it.
Fortunately, the video game world is making the week well worth it. EA‘s release of Dead Space 3. This series is by far some of the best games I’ve played – not to mention they perfected the horror genre (surpassing even the classic Resident Evil games).
That’s it. Next week does have at least one great release, so until then, I hope this will do.