Happiest of Tuesdays my movie-loving Towelites! This week we have a smattering of all the genres, from horror to sci-fi to Shaft, and everything in between! Get ready for a Tuesday Blu’s-Day of epic proportions!
The Stand (Blu-ray)
I tried watching this and got bored with it pretty quickly, maybe I should give it another go now that it’s in HD. Maybe.
Shaft (Blu-ray, DVD, Digital)
I don’t know why they didn’t just call this Shaft: The Next Generation or Beginnings or whatever, but they didn’t. That being said, the movie looked funny and I want to watch it.
Legends of Tomorrow S4 (Blu-ray, Digital, DVD)
This show is still going on. I mean, I get it, but they also are on a rollercoaster between being sucky and being great. Let’s hope the next is their last and it’s brilliant.
Hellraiser II (4K, Blu-ray, DVD)
ANOTHER release of the Hellraiser films because “why not?”. I guess cause they get the 4K treatment? Fine, whatever, I’ll buy it.
Hellraiser (4K, Blu-ray, DVD)
I love this movie so I guess I’m okay with getting ANOTHER version of it. That and Arrow releases quality stuff.
Maleficent (4K, Blu-ray, Dvd, Digital)
I didn’t see this yet but now it’s in 4K and the sequel is due out next month, maybe this is my time.
Yesterday (4K, Blu-ray, Dvd, Digital)
Holy cats did I love this movie. It coulda been some funny little Richard Curtis rom-com, but then they added in Danny Boyle to direct it and its bloody brilliant. Plus, The Beatles.
Child’s Play 2019 (4K, Blu-ray, Dvd, Digital)
My wife is going to hate me when I drop this into our October Horror Movie viewing schedule, but I’m all about it.
Anna (4K, Blu-ray, Dvd, Digital)
Luc Besson got lambasted on this one, some say it’ll be his last film. Guess I should check it out.
John Carpenter’s Vampires (Blu-ray, Dvd, Digital)
I. Love. This. Movie. I remember seeing it in the theatre and being blown away when the vamps come out of the ground. Like, how cool is that!? James Woods is a dick in real life and in this film.
Crawl (Digital)
I love all the things that Alexandre Aja does so it would make sense that I’ll love this. Plus, I’m a sucker for alligators eating people on film.
Midsommar (Digital)
I never saw Hereditary but I know it’s the same director. I also know this movie is messed up. Let’s check it out!