Are you ready for the exciting conclusion to Faith‘s solo series?! You should be as it has been an thrilling and comical ride! We are all ready for Faith and The Future Force due out this summer but let’s all enjoy this final issue from Valiant Comics and superstar writer Jody Hauser!

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Valiant Previews: FAITH #12 – On Sale June 7th! 

Written by JODY HOUSER
Cover A by KANO (APR172135)
Cover B by JEN BARTEL (APR172136)
Cover C by JEN BARTEL (APR172137)
Cover D by JEN BARTEL (APR172138)
Variant Cover by SARAH WINIFRED SEARLE (APR172139)

Faith vs. “THE FAITHLESS” – The final battle!

Framed for a crime, held prisoner by a team of her greatest enemies, and quickly running out of time, Faith must confront the truth of her first true defeat! But has victory truly come to The Faithless – a revenge-obsessed squad of malicious malcontents – or will Los Angeles’ soaring protector give them a run for their money first?

From the Hollywood Hills to the Santa Monica Pier, L.A. is about to witness the ultimate beat-down between good and evil…and when the final page arrives, you’ll be saying, “What the frack?!”

$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | FINAL ISSUE | On Sale JUNE 7th (5/15/17)