Hey Towelites! We have a TON of just random things to share with you, and I didn’t want to compose an article for everything that has to be put out, so here is just a smattering of Hollywood Hodge-podge. We moved up WEEKEND RANDOMNESS because some of this stuff is just too good to wait til then!
First up, we have a little training still of Colonel Stars and Stripes from Kick-Ass 2. Seems that Jim Carrey‘s character is whipping Justice Forever into shape! Can’t wait for August 16th!
I’ve been a fan of the Transformers series since the first film, and a long time Michael Bay fan. Though, I wish he’d focus his efforts on Bad Boys 3, I’m glad he’s returning to the franchise. I’m excited to share that they have finally cast the villian of the film, and it’s going to be Kelsey Grammer! Grammer will join Mark Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci, Nicola Peltz and Jack Reynor in a story that centers on “a group of powerful, ingenious businessman and scientists [who] attempt to learn from past Transformer incursions and push the boundaries of technology beyond what they can control—all while an ancient, powerful Transformer menace sets Earth in his crosshairs.” Transformers 4 opens June 27, 2014.
Orson Scott Card‘s, Ender’s Game, is one of the best sci-fi novels I’ve ever read and I’m very excited to see Gavin Hood‘s adaptation of the film in November. Today, we have the fist look at Sir Ben Kingsley‘s, Mazer Rackham. Rackham wins a major battle between the bugs and the humans, and his character is used as propaganda to motivate the people of Earth. The movie is out on November 1st.
Captain America: Winter Soldier is currently filming, and we have our first look at Anthony Mackie‘s, Falcon, character. He’ll be joining Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, and Samuel L. Jackson to take down A.I.M. The film opens April 4th, 2014.
Finally, we get another still from Neil Blomkamp‘s, Elysium. The picture features Matt Damon and Sharlto Copley, on a dystopian Earth. The movie will be released August 9th.
That’s it for the Weekend(day) Randomness! Stay Tuned for more great scoops here at DFAT!