Hey there movie-going Towelites! This weekend we had a literal race to the top of the Box Office between newcomers, Ford v Ferrari, Midway, and Charlie’s Angels; but it was FvF that took the #1 position. The film able to earn $31 million on a $100 million budget. So, yes it took #1 and has a great word of mouth as well as an A+ Cinemascore. Midway is a movie I didn’t even hear about until writing this article but it was #2 with $8.75 million. Okay, cool. The real one though, was Charlie’s Angels. The movie only cost $48 million to make but it’s 3rd position on the Top Ten was by earning a paltry $8.6 million. Another return to a franchise that no one asked for? Didn’t we learn our lesson with Terminator: Dark Fate last week? I guess not.
The rest of the Top Ten are below. You’ll notice that Terminator didn’t even make the list.
1. Ford v Ferrari: $31.037 million
2. Midway: $8.75 million
3. Charlie’s Angels: $8.6 million
4. Playing with Fire: $8.55 million
5. Last Christmas: $6.7 million
6. Doctor Sleep: $6.181 million
7. The Good Liar: $5.656 million
8. Joker: $5.635 million
9. Maleficent: Mistress of Evil: $5.247 million
10. Harriet: $4.780 million
Next weekend, we have newcomers 21 Bridges starring Chadwick Boseman and Frozen II. While both movies look good, we all know where the money is going to. Disney can’t be stopped this year with its billions of dollar haul and we still have Frozen and Star Wars to be released. Sorry Mr. Boseman, you should be able to knock Charlie’s Angels off this list though. Find to if I’m right on the next edition of Weekend Roundup.