This weekend marked the return of director Bryan Singer‘s mutants in, X-Men: Days of Future Past. The film brought in a whopping $90.7 million, which put it far above the rest of it’s Box Office competition. The film opened up to great reviews, and though it didn’t do as much as The Last Stand did, which made $102.7 million it’s opening weekend in 2006; it still is a major hit for Fox.

Godzilla take a 66% dip, bringing in $31.4 million dollars, and I hope that’s because people realized just how boring it was. I’m sure it was more because X-Men was great though. You can read the review from our own CynicNerd, HERE.  We also had newcomer this weekend with Adam Sandler‘s newest film, Blended. I’m not sure how much it cost to make the movie, but with only a $14.2 million opening, I’m sure it won’t make back its cost.


1. X-Men: Days of Future Past $90.7 million

2. Godzilla $31.4 million

3. Blended $14.2 million

4. Neighbors $13.9 million

5. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 $7.8 million

6. Million Dollar Arm $7.1 million

7. The Other Woman $3.7 million

8. Rio 2 $2.5 million

9. Chef $2.3 million

10. Heaven is for Real $2 million


Next week, we have the premieres of Seth McFarlane‘s, A Million Ways to Die in the West and Angelina Jolie‘s, Maleficent. While I think the latter is the more appealing of the two, I’m actually really hoping that X-Men stays up there and brings in more money for Marvel and makes X-Men: Apocalypse that much better.

Stay Tuned next weekend to find out what happens, and make sure to come to DFAT to learn all your Box Office movie news!


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