We haven’t really had much to report since the set-visit to the Amazing Spider-Man 2 set, but today we have a TON of new pictures to share with you towelites. It’s around Day 87 of shooting the Marc Webb movie, and there’s been a lot of things happening to the Web-Head and friends. Below are pictures of Sally Field as Aunt May, Stan ‘The Man’ Lee, Paul Giamatti in a full mo-cap Rhino outfit, and Denis Leary back as Captain Stacy. (Guess he got his wish when he begged fans to ask for his return in the documentary). Check out the great set-pics below!
- Amazing Spider-Man 2 Shooting at Park Ave
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 above New York City
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 fighting Rhino on Truck
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Stan Lee at Graduation
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Paul Giamattie in mo-cap costume
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Stan Lee and Marc Webb
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Spider-Man after Rhino fight
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Spider-Man and little kid
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Spider-Man posed for Jump
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Paul Giamatti Rhino Comic
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Spider-Man on megaphone
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Denis Leary as Captain Stacy bloody
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Spider-Man posing
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Sally Field and Andrew Garfield graducation
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Andrew Garfield and kid
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Amazing Spider- Man 2 Rhino Destruction
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Running to Graduate
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Denis Leary Captain Stacey return
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Spidey vs Rhino
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Spider-Man on Rhino truck
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Marc Webb and Stan Lee hugging
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Gwen Stacy walks a dog
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy kiss
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Spider-Man lurking
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Paul Giamatti and Andrew Garfield practice
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Dane Dehaan behind camera
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Spider-Man punching rhino truck
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy Kissing more
- Amazing Spider- Man 2 Spider-Man trolls Rhino
The film stars Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Dane DeHaan, Shailene Woodley, Felicity Jones, and Chris Cooper. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 opens in 3D on May 2, 2014. We’ll keep you posted as more Amazing Spider-man 2 news comes here to DFAT!