Far-Back Fridays present: A look back at Tron: Legacy

Far-Back Fridays present: A look back at Tron: Legacy

  You know, it's funny... It's funny how your opinion on something, changes, evolves, and establishes itself. Point in case, sequel to the old cult favorite Tron, Tron Legacy. I just rewatched this movie, and it has brought about 2 reviews. One, this review of...

Mozeus’ Best of 2012

Mozeus’ Best of 2012

Hello Towelites! I hope you are all enjoying your holidays and are getting ready for 2013.  Has 2012 been a good year to all? I sure hope so.  Personally, it’s been very good, and I know I say this every year, but this one seriously went by super fast.  Maybe time...

Chaz’s best of 2012 write-up!

Chaz’s best of 2012 write-up!

2012 has been a pretty wild year! I saw a lot of movies, played with a lot of toys, listened to a lot of music, and had a super geeky good time. Below, I'm going to have my write up on some of my favorite things to come out of 2012. There's some things I didn't get to...


